I'm trying to use Myriad Pro Semibold Condensed as my headline font. I've been able to get other states of the font to work, both Myriad Pro Regular and Myriad Pro Condensed work properly.
Here's what I'm seeing: http://php.saysoma.org/. As you can tell, the Regular and Condensed states work, but the third style, semibold condensed, is not visible.
Here's what I have in my sifr-config file:
sIFR.replace(myriad3, {
selector: 'h4',
css: [
'.sIFR-root { letter-spacing: -1.2}'
,'a { text-decoration: none; }'
,'a:link { color: #000000; }'
,'a:hover { color: #772224; }'
wmode: "Transparent"
And in my css file:
.sIFR-active h2, .sIFR-active h3, .sIFR-active h4 {
visibility: hidden;
font-family: Verdana;
line-height: 1em;
font-size: 30px;
I'm using sIFR r436 and Flash CS4 to render the files.
Any ideas?