I have a table called Mytable in home/models.py and using django aep I reference is as Mytable.all().
It shows up in the Data Viewer as home_mytable
Now, for some urls within app.yaml I have a separate handler that processes these requests. (This is in fact a google wave robot handler).
Within this handler I want to reference the table home_mytable I do so by calling db.GqlQuery("SELECT * from home_mytable")
However something strange happens. I receive a KindError No implementation for kind home_mytable
I receive this sporadically though, sometimes It works just fine, I suspect that happens right after I call up a url that references this table from a django handler.
My questions are, how can I a) ensure that this error doesnt occur and b) programattically check what the available 'kinds' are so I can try and debug this