




I would like to refer HTML templates designed/developed especially for form based Web Applications.

I have been searching them but am not able to find out which I find better.

Regards, Jatan

+1  A: 

Here are a few catalogs of template designs:

+1  A: 

Much of the choice in this sort of thing is going to be defined by your choice of server tech / platform, e.g. .NET has in built widgets you can use, as do many web application frameworks.

The django admin layouts are extremely well designed, you could download Django and check it out.

Similar forms are also implemented for Rails by the Streamlined framwork, not to mention the inbuilt scaffolding generators.

Tthe YUI framework has a bunch of different widgets with a consistent style, as does the ExtJS framework, and are server technology agnostic. These can be dynamically created using json as the data source, rather than html/xml

You could also use a CSS framework such as BlueprintCSS, and combine it with the suggested HTML, and add effects + interactions with jQuery, and build that on top of your html.

Modifying an existing layout is not too hard, for a simple CRUD application you probably just need a large area for forms and lists/tables and a menu.

If you need anything more particular than that, its probably time to invest in a design, or learn to do it yourself.

The simplest possible layout is going to be a header with a menu inside (& maybe a heading), and a content area for your forms.

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
    div#page { width:900px; margin:0; auto; }
    <div id="page">
     <div id="header">
      <!-- Menu Goes Here! -->
     <div id="content">
      <!-- Put some Forms n stuff here -->

I personally like ThemeForest. They have a large selection and includes the raw markup and css scripts so you can make your forms app look like the template in no time.