Consider the need to create a resultset of dates. We've got a start and end dates, and we'd like to generate a list of dates in between.
DECLARE @Start datetime
,@End datetime
DECLARE @AllDates table
(@Date datetime)
SELECT @Start = 'Mar 1 2009', @End = 'Aug 1 2009'
--need to fill @AllDates. Trying to avoid loop here if no better sol'n exists..
Consider the current implementation with a WHILE
DECLARE @dCounter datetime
SELECT @dCounter = @Start
WHILE @dCounter <= @End
INSERT INTO @AllDates VALUES (@dCounter)
SELECT @dCounter=@dCounter+1
Question: How would you create a set of dates that are within a user-defined range using T-SQL? Assume SQL 2005+. If your answer is using SQL 2008 features, please mark as such. Thank you!