



Suppose you have the following EJB 3 interfaces/classes:

public interface Repository<E>
   public void delete(E entity);

public abstract class AbstractRepository<E> 
   public void delete(E entity){

public interface FooRepository<Foo>
   //other methods

public class FooRepositoryImpl
    AbstractRepository<Foo> implements FooRepository
   public void delete(Foo entity){
      //do something before deleting the entity

   //other methods


And then another bean that accesses the FooRepository bean:


private FooRepository fooRepository;

public void someMethod(Foo foo)


However, the overriding method is never executed when the delete method of the FooRepository bean is called. Instead, only the implementation of the delete method that is defined in AbstractRepository is executed. What am I doing wrong or is it simply a limitation of Java/EJB 3 that generics and inheritance don't play well together yet?

+1  A: 

Can you write a unit test against your FooRepository class just using it as a POJO. If that works as expected then I'm not familiar with any reason why it would function differently inside a container.

I suspect there is something else going on and it will probably be easier to debug if you test it as a POJO.

Mike Deck
+1  A: 

I tried it with a pojo and it seems to work. I had to modify your code a bit. I think your interfaces were a bit off, but I'm not sure.

I assumed "Foo" was a concrete type, but if not I can do some more testing for you.

I just wrote a main method to test this. I hope this helps!

public static void main(String[] args){
     FooRepository fooRepository = new FooRepositoryImpl();
     fooRepository.delete(new Foo("Bar"));

public class Foo
    private String value;

    public Foo(String inValue){
     value = inValue;
    public String toString(){
     return value;

public interface Repository<E>
    public void delete(E entity);

public interface FooRepository extends Repository<Foo>
    //other methods

public class AbstractRespository<E> implements Repository<E>
    public void delete(E entity){
     System.out.println("Delete-" + entity.toString());

public class FooRepositoryImpl extends AbstractRespository<Foo> implements FooRepository
       public void delete(Foo entity){
          //do something before deleting the entity
       System.out.println("something before");

Today it worked without changing any line of code. So something else must have gone wrong with the runtime environment, the debugger or something... Thanks for your answers!

Martin Klinke