(ns db-example
(:use [clojure.contrib.sql :only (with-connection with-query-results)] )
(:import (java.sql DriverManager)))
;; need this to load the sqlite3 driver (as a side effect of evaluating the expression)
(Class/forName "org.sqlite.JDBC")
(def +db-path+ "...")
(def +db-specs+ {:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC",
:subprotocol "sqlite",
:subname +db-path+})
(def +transactions-query+ "select * from my_table")
(with-connection +db-specs+
(with-query-results results [+transactions-query+]
;; results is an array of column_name -> value maps
You have to actually return something from within with-query-results
macro. And because the seq bound to results
is lazy, let's consume it:
(with-connection +db-specs+
(with-query-results results [+transactions-query+]
(doall results)))
This is a common pattern when using clojure.contrib.sql, not tied to the SQLite JDBC adapter.
Btw I've never had to do (Class/forName driver-class-str)
manually, this is clearly your Java habit. Driver is loaded somewhere under the hood of contrib.sql.
Wojciech Kaczmarek
2009-12-11 03:56:51