



how to use the templatetag of django app?

+3  A: 

Creating a new template tag can be quite involved depending on what it does, and whether or not it is a block tag (with a start and an end -- like {% if %} {% endif %}, etc.) Basically, you need to create a example.templatetags module (where example is your application) which implements your tag, and then {% load example %} in your templates so that they can "see" your template tags and filters.

For example, if you want to create a {% foobarbaz %} tag which outputs the either "foor" or "bar" or "baz" (when given as the arg) or "" (when anything else is given) when used in a template, your example/ might looks like this:

from django import template
register = template.Library()

def foobarbaz(input):
    if "foo" == input:
        return "foo"
    if "bar" == input:
        return "bar"
    if "baz" == input:
        return "baz"
    return ""

In your templates, you might do something like this (remembering that the above module is part of the example application):

{% load example %}
{% foobarbaz "bar" %}
{% foobarbaz "elephant" %}
{% foobarbaz "foo" %}

Which would output:



Note that, as I'm using simple_tag, I have only rudimentary control over the parsing of arguments, there's no way to do an end tag, etc.

See the documentation on custom template filters and tags for more information.
