Hi. I'm fetching lots of user data via last.fm's API for my mashup. I do this every week as I have to collect listening data.
I fetch the data through their REST API and XML: more specifically simplexml_load_file()
The script is taking ridiculously long. For about 2 300 users, the script takes 30min to fetch only the names of artists. I have to fix it now, otherwise my hosting company will shut me down. I've siphoned out all other options, it is the XML that is slowing the script.
I now have to figure out whether last.fm has a slow API (or is limiting calls without them telling us), or whether PHP's simplexml is actually rather slow.
One thing I realised is that the XML request fetches a lot more than I need, but I can't limit it through the API (ie give me info on only 3 bands, not 70). But "big" XML files only get to about 20kb. Could it be that, that is slowing down the script? Having to load 20kb into an object for each of the 2300 users?
Doesn't make sense that it can be that... I just need confirmation that it is probably last.fm's slow API. Or is it?
Any other help you can provide?