



Hi all, How can I overwrite the default form error messages (for example: need them in other language) for the all apps in my project (or at least for 1 app)


+2  A: 

You may want to look at Django's excellent i18n support.


Hmm, seems there is no easy workaround for the problem.

Wile skimming through the django code, I've found that default error messages are hard-coded into each form field class, for ex:

class CharField(Field):
default_error_messages = {
    'max_length': _(u'Ensure this value has at most %(max)d characters (it has %(length)d).'),
    'min_length': _(u'Ensure this value has at least %(min)d characters (it has %(length)d).'),

And the easiest way is to use the error_messages argument, so I had to write the wrapper function:

def DZForm(name, args = {}):
error_messages = {
    'required': u'required',
    'invalid': u'invalid',
if 'error_messages' in args.keys():
    args['error_messages'] = error_messages.update(args['error_messages'])
    args['error_messages'] = error_messages
return getattr(forms, name)(**args)

If smdb knows more elegent way of doing this would really appreaciate to see it :)


+2  A: 

The easiest way is to provide your set of default errors to the form field definition. Form fields can take a named argument for it. For example:

my_default_errors = {
    'required': 'This field is required',
    'invalid': 'Enter a valid value'

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    some_field = forms.CharField(error_messages=my_default_errors)

Hope this helps.

Juergen Brendel
Yep. But I want to override default with having the flexibility to set form specific...In your case I'll have to merge default and form error message dicts manually each time

Since this page comes up in a search, perhaps it's worth adding my $0.02 even though the question is old. (I'm still getting used to Stack Overflow's particular etiquette.)

The underscore ("_") is an alias (if that's the right term) for ugettext_lazy; just look at the import statements at the top of the file with "hard-coded" messages. Then, Django's internationalization docs should help, e.g.

Scott Lawton