In Ruby, I'd like to acheive something like this Java sample:
class A {
private void f() { System.out.println("Hello world"); }
public void g() { f(); }
class B extends A {
public void f() { throw new RuntimeException("bad guy");}
public class Try {
public static void main(String[] args) { new B().g();}
This will print "Hello world" in Java, but the straight Ruby transcript:
class A
def g; f; end
def f; puts "Hello world"; end
class B < A
def f; raise "bad guy"; end
end # want greet
will of course raise a bad guy - due to differences in method lookup mechanism (I realise the meaning of 'private' is very different between these languages)
Is there any way to achieve a similar effect? I don't really care about visibility, would actually prefer all public methods here. My goal is simply to isolate a method in the superclass from overriding in subclasses (which would break the other base methods).
I guess if there is a solution, that would work with modules/includes, too?
module BaseAPI
def f; puts "Hello world"; end
def g; f; end;
module ExtAPI
include BaseAPI
# some magic here to isolate base method :f from the following one?
def f; raise "bad guy"; end # could actually be something useful, but interfering with base 'g'
include ExtAPI
g # want greet
Follow-up: this looks to be the rare case where something is possible with Java but not with Ruby :-/