I stumbled upon this site http://nathanborror.com/ and really loved the way they have done the navigation on the left hand site. I noticed that site is using jquery but didnt see any plugins.
Any ideas on how to go about doing this?
I stumbled upon this site http://nathanborror.com/ and really loved the way they have done the navigation on the left hand site. I noticed that site is using jquery but didnt see any plugins.
Any ideas on how to go about doing this?
It's probably pretty easy to find out by looking at their source code. If you want to see what's running, use Firebug.
They have it within the bootstrap.js file, essentially it's simple jQuery.hover() with a jQuery.animate() nested.
First, set your menu to use "top","left" and "position" css atributes, so it always stick to the left. Then, use jquery to do the animations on hover, like this :
$('#menu .item').hover(
function () {
$(this).animate({width:'toggle'},350); // end value
function () {
$(this).animate({width:'toggle'},100); // start value