I am writing a Java multi-threaded network application and having real difficulty coming up with a way to unit test the object which sends and receives communication from network clients.
The object sends out a message to a number of clients and then waits for responses from the clients.
As each client responds, a dashboard-style GUI is updated.
In more detail...
A Message object represents a text message to be sent and contains an array of Clients which should receive the message.
The Message object is responsible for dispatching itself to all the appropriate clients.
When the dispatch() method is invoked on a Message object, the object spawns a new thread (MessageDispatcher) for each client in the Client array.
Each MessageDispatcher:
opens a new TCP socket (Socket) to the client
delivers the message to its client... PrintWriter out.println(msg text)
creates a 'Status' object which is passed to a Queue in the Message object and then on to the GUI.
Each Status object represents ONE of the following events:
Message passed to Socket (via Printwriter out.println() )
Display receipt received from client (via BufferedReader/InputStreamReader in.readline()... blocks until network input is received )
User acknowledge receipt received from client (via same method as above)
So.. I want to unit test the Message object. (using JUnit)
The unit test is called MessageTest.java (included below).
My first step has been to set up a Message object with a single recipient.
I then used JMockit to create a mock Socket object which can supply a mock OutputStream object (I am using ByteArrayOutputStream which extends OutputStream) to PrintWriter.
Then, when the MessageDispatcher calls (PrintWriter object).out, the message text will be ideally passed to my mock Socket object (via the mock OutputStream) which can check that the message text is OK.
And the sample principle for the InputStreamReader.... The mock Socket object also supplies a mock InputStreamReader object which supplies a mock BufferedReader which is called by the MessageDispatcher (as mentioned previously, MessageDispatcher blocks on in.readLine() ). At this point the mock BufferedReader should supply a fake confirmation to the MessageDispatcher...
// mock Socket
Mockit.redefineMethods(Socket.class, new Object()
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream();
public OutputStream getOutputStream()
return output;
public InputStream getInputStream()
return input;
If this wasn't multi-threaded, this should all work OK. However I have no idea how to do this with multiple threads. Can anyone give me any advice or tips?
Also if you have any input on the design (eg. Message object responsible for its own delivery rather than a separate delivery object.. "dependency injection"-style / separate thread for each client delivery) then I would be interested to hear that too.
UPDATE: here is the code:
public class Message {
Client[] to;
String contents;
String status;
StatusListener listener;
BlockingQueue<Status> statusQ;
public Message(Client[] to, String contents, StatusListener listener)
this.to = to;
this.contents = contents;
this.listener = listener;
public void dispatch()
try {
// open a new thread for each client
// keep a linked list of socket references so that all threads can be closed
List<Socket> sockets = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Socket>());
// initialise the statusQ for threads to report message status
statusQ = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Status>(to.length*3); // max 3 status objects per thread
// dispatch to each client individually and wait for confirmation
for (int i=0; i < to.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Started new thread");
(new Thread(new MessageDispatcher(to[i], contents, sockets, statusQ))).start();
// now, monitor queue and empty the queue as it fills up.. (consumer)
while (true) {
catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
// one MessageDispatcher per client
private class MessageDispatcher implements Runnable
private Client client;
private String contents;
private List<Socket> sockets;
private BlockingQueue<Status> statusQ;
public MessageDispatcher(Client client, String contents, List<Socket> sockets, BlockingQueue<Status> statusQ) {
this.contents = contents;
this.client = client;
this.sockets = sockets;
this.statusQ = statusQ;
public void run() {
try {
// open socket to client
Socket sk = new Socket(client.getAddress(), CLIENTPORT);
// add reference to socket to list
synchronized(sockets) {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sk.getOutputStream(), true);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sk.getInputStream()));
// send message
// confirm dispatch
statusQ.add(new Status(client, "DISPATCHED"));
// wait for display receipt
statusQ.add(new Status(client, "DISPLAYED"));
// wait for read receipt
statusQ.add(new Status(client, "READ"));
catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
.... and the corresponding unit test:
public class MessageTest extends TestCase {
Message msg;
static final String testContents = "hello there";
public void setUp() {
// mock Socket
Mockit.redefineMethods(Socket.class, new Object()
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream();
public OutputStream getOutputStream()
return output;
public InputStream getInputStream()
return input;
// NB
// some code removed here for simplicity
// which uses JMockit to overrides the Client object and give it a fake hostname and address
Client[] testClient = { new Client() };
msg = new Message(testClient, testContents, this);
public void tearDown() {
public void testDispatch() {
// dispatch to client