I want one of my servlets (test2) to handles the "/" request (i.e. http://localhost/), while another servlet (test1) handles all other requests ("/*").
I set up my web.xml below, but the problem is that ALL requests go to test1.jsp (even the "/" request)
Can someone tell my how to accomplish this?
i realized my question was a bit unclear and incomplete. here is an example of exactly what i want to accomplish..
- http://mytestsite.com/ -> maps to http://mytestsite.com/index.html
- http://mytestsite.com/servlet1 -> runs com.mytestsite.servlet1
- http://mytestsite.com/* -> maps to http://mytestsite.com/catchall.jsp (i want all other requests that aren't mapped in web.xml to map to catchall.jsp)
so my web.xml looks as follows:
so i noticed a strange problem. when i request http://mytestsite.com/, it goes to catchall.jsp before being redirected to index.html. however, it happens so quickly i wouldn't have even noticed it hitting catchall.jsp (but i put a System.out.println in this file, and it was definitely hitting it).