



I am trying to locate an decent example of ajax json interaction with Rails. I have a Rails app that uses standard forms and wish to improve it with some ajax, but I have not found a good example to inform me.


I have a large investment portfolio model object, which requires multiple views to input all the data. I have a mechanism that allows page-to-page transition, using divs with a style of display:none or display:block around wrapping each 'pane'. I can selectively hide/show each pane as I move off-screen to the next pane. The user can navigate around, setting values, some of which need to be fetched from the server (such as look up a stock quote). When all is done, a commit sends it all back to the server, since it is one single form. So far, so good.

Now, I need to interact with the user when he is picking individual stocks, performing auto-complete on the ticker symbol during typing and then updating a table of stocks picked. This part has me stumped, since I don't understand how I can get interactive behavior while the input form is displayed. I am hoping to review some clean examples of ajax interacting with rails.

Oh, by the way, the app is a Facebook application, so I can't use prototype or any rjs templates, but must use FBJS.

I can't seem to find an example that shows ajax updating page sections dynamically.

Unfortunately, my application is a facebook app, so the prototype js library is incompatible with Facebook's fbjs.