



Is it possible to store a Image in a SharedObject in Flash? It would be nice if it would work. I need to "store" Images locally but it seems not to be supported by Flash... So I 'ld like to put those images in a SharedObject that can be saved... but does it work with images?

I tried it with a Bitmap but if I want to read and add it to the stage it says that the Object can't be converted to a Bitmap...

var image:Bitmap = //some awesome image;

sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("img"); = image;

Error here ->

sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("img");
+5  A: 

In this case, you need to write your Bitmap to a ByteArray (in other words - binary data) before you set your shared object. Then you need to read it from a ByteArray into a bitmap when you retrieve it. Here is a quick sample the hopefully will get you moving in the right direction:

David Tucker
hmm this is a little bit slow but it works ^^ nice! thx!
it's also worth nothing that you don't actually have to encode to jpeg for this to work, as you can create a ByteArray with BitmapData.getPixels()... although i haven't been able to make it work 100% it should be theoretically possible
+3  A: 

Don`t forget, shared object has limited size (100Kb default)

It also creates what I'd call a horrible experience for the user, with the confusing Flash Player dialog that pops up asking for permission to increase the local storage.
Joel Hooks

actually shared object has unlimited space. user has to give permisions
