




How can I instantiate a JMS queue listener in java (JRE /JDK / J2EE 1.4) that only receives messages that match a given JMSCorrelationID? The messages that I'm looking to pick up have been published to a queue and not a topic, although that can change if needed.

Here's the code that I'm currently using to put the message in the queue:

 * publishResponseToQueue publishes Requests to the Queue.
 * @param   jmsQueueFactory             -Name of the queue-connection-factory
 * @param   jmsQueue                    -The queue name for the request
 * @param   response                     -A response object that needs to be published
 * @throws  ServiceLocatorException     -An exception if a request message
 *                                      could not be published to the Topic
private void publishResponseToQueue( String jmsQueueFactory,
                                    String jmsQueue,
                                    Response response )
        throws ServiceLocatorException {

    if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() ) {
        logger.info( "Begin publishRequestToQueue: " +
                         jmsQueueFactory + "," + jmsQueue + "," + response );
    logger.assertLog( jmsQueue != null && !jmsQueue.equals(""),
                      "jmsQueue cannot be null" );
    logger.assertLog( jmsQueueFactory != null && !jmsQueueFactory.equals(""),
                      "jmsQueueFactory cannot be null" );
    logger.assertLog( response != null, "Request cannot be null" );

    try {

        Queue queue = (Queue)_context.lookup( jmsQueue );

        QueueConnectionFactory factory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
            _context.lookup( jmsQueueFactory );

        QueueConnection connection = factory.createQueueConnection();
        QueueSession session = connection.createQueueSession( false,
                                    QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE );

        ObjectMessage objectMessage = session.createObjectMessage();


        objectMessage.setObject( response );

        session.createSender( queue ).send( objectMessage );


    } catch ( Exception e ) {
        //XC3.2  Added/Modified BEGIN
        logger.error( "ServiceLocator.publishResponseToQueue - Could not publish the " +
                      "Response to the Queue - " + e.getMessage() );
        throw new ServiceLocatorException( "ServiceLocator.publishResponseToQueue " +
                                           "- Could not publish the " +
                      "Response to the Queue - " + e.getMessage() );
        //XC3.2  Added/Modified END

    if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() ) {
        logger.info( "End publishResponseToQueue: " +
                         jmsQueueFactory + "," + jmsQueue + response );

}  // end of publishResponseToQueue method
+3  A: 

The queue connection setup is the same, but once you have the QueueSession, you set the selector when creating a receiver.

    QueueReceiver receiver = session.createReceiver(myQueue, "JMSCorrelationID='theid'");




+2  A: 

BTW while its not the actual question you asked - if you are trying to implement request response over JMS I'd recommend reading this article as the JMS API is quite a bit more complex than you might imagine and doing this efficiently is much harder than it looks.

In particular to use JMS efficiently you should try to avoid creating consumers for a single message etc.

Also because the JMS API is so very complex to use correctly and efficiently - particularly with pooling, transactions and concurrent processing - I recommend folks hide the middleware from their application code such as via using Apache Camel's Spring Remoting implementation for JMS

James Strachan
I'd have saved myself a lot of wheel-reinvention, had I known about Camel a couple of years ago.
Stephen Harmon