I have a list of words in which some are composed words, in example
- palanca
- plato
- platopalanca
I need to remove "plato" and "palanca" and let only "platopalanca". Used array_unique to remove duplicates, but those composed words are tricky...
Should I sort the list by word length and compare one by one? A regular expression is the answer?
update: The list of words is much bigger and mixed, not only related words
update 2: I can safely implode the array into a string.
update 3: I'm trying to avoid doing this as if this was a bobble sort. there must be a more effective way of doing this
Well, I think that a buble-sort like approach is the only possible one :-( I don't like it, but it's what i have... Any better approach?
function sortByLengthDesc($a,$b){
return strlen($a)-strlen($b);
$count = count($words);
for($i=0;$i<=$count;$i++) {
for($j=$i+1;$j<$count;$j++) {
if(strstr($words[$j], $words[$i]) ){
foreach($delete as $i) {
update 5: Sorry all. I'm A moron. Jonathan Swift make me realize I was asking the wrong question. Given x words which START the same, I need to remove the shortests ones.
- "hot, dog, stand, hotdogstand" should become "dog, stand, hotdogstand"
- "car, pet, carpet" should become "pet, carpet"
- "palanca, plato, platopalanca" should become "palanca, platopalanca"
- "platoother, other" should be untouchedm they both start different