




Hello. Basically, i have a site put together with PHP, HTML and CSS. I had a problem with it not showing special characters (eg. å,ä,ö), so i changed the charset from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. That solved the problem for the text on the site, but everything inside a pair of tags still fails to show up correctly. Any thoughts?

Edit: I changed back to UTF-8 and Content-Language SV-SE, but now the special characters within tags output a replacement character instead.

+1  A: 

that’s definitely an encoding issue. as a workaround you can use html encoded chars like &auml;. better though to correctly encode your sourcefiles and set the corresponding <meta> tag and http headers

Cheers, i saved the source files with UTF-8 encoding, which solved the issue quite well. Thanks again!
Andreas Carlbom