In VS 2008, is there a way to set the intermediate directory (where the .obj files go, not the final targets) in a C# project?
I don't believe so. However, you can copy your executables, dlls, whatever, to another folder in a post-build event. (Build Events tab in Project Properties)
You need to override BaseIntermediateOutputPath msbuild var, more about it here.
I have tried to move the "obj" files as well. Setting BaseIntermediateOutputPath in the .csproj works. Yes it warns about security, but I decided that I was a trusted source.
[[ BTW, there is another setting called IntermediateOutputPath that defaults to "$(BaseIntermediateOuputPath)\$(Configuration)". You can set this directly instead if you want. ]]
My issue is that there is still one file left behind in my "src" tree: [[ProjectSrcDir]]\obj\Debug\TempPE\Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll.
Any ideas on how to move this file into the IntermediateOutputPath folder?