



How can I create a validator that validates if the user inputed the same values in the password field and the password confirmation field?

I did it in the managed bean, but I prefer to do it using a JSF validator...

The real question is, how to create a validator that access other JSF components other than the component being validated?

I am using ADF Faces 11.



The real question is, how to create a validator that access other JSF components other than the component being validated?

Don't try to access the components directly; you'll regret it. JSF's validation mechanism work best at preventing junk from getting into the model.

You could use a different type of managed bean; something of the form:

/*Request scoped managed bean*/
public class PasswordValidationBean {
  private String input1;
  private String input2;
  private boolean input1Set;

  public void validateField(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
      Object value) {
    if (input1Set) {
      input2 = (String) value;
      if (input1 == null || input1.length() < 6 || (!input1.equals(input2))) {
        ((EditableValueHolder) component).setValid(false);
        context.addMessage(component.getClientId(context), new FacesMessage(
            "Password must be 6 chars+ & both fields identical"));
    } else {
      input1Set = true;
      input1 = (String) value;

This is bound using the method-binding mechanism:

  Password: <h:inputSecret
    required="true" />
  Confirm: <h:inputSecret
    required="true" />
  <h:commandButton value="submit to validate" />
  <!-- other bindings omitted -->
  <h:messages />

In future, you should be able to do this sort of thing using Bean Validation (JSR 303).

Seems a little ugly, but that's ok
JSF validation works at the field level rather than the page (something JSF 2 + JSR 303 aims to change). The bean could probably be improved upon, though. The alternative would be a custom renderer and/or component, but that is perhaps too much work for something like this.

You could always pull the value of your other fields from the context map and perform your validations on multiple fields. Something like below:

public void  validatePassword2(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent, Object object) throws ValidatorException{
    String fieldVal = (String)object;

    String password1 = (String)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("password1");
        FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage("Passwords must match");
        throw new ValidatorException(message);

and the jsf looks something like this:

<h:inputSecret value="#{profile.password2}" validator="#{brokerVal.validatePassword2}" required="true" requiredMessage="*required" id="password2" />


Romeo Foxtrot
This does not work vor me :( i have a bean with Bean.password and bean.password2 but if i validate password2 and try to get the password value i ever get null