




Im using the YUI tabs components and customised each tab to show a unique icon and then show a variation of the icon when the tab is selected.

As we know YUI adds 'selected' class to the selected tab and I manually added 'nav-xxx' where xxx is the tab name to each tab.

Im using the following css:

.nav-directory {
    background: url(/images/nav-browse.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0;

.nav-directory.selected {
    background: url(/images/nav-browse-selected.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0;

    background: url(/images/nav-admin.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0;

.nav-admin.selected {
    background: url(/images/nav-admin-selected.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0;

This works perfectly in all browsers including IE8 but not IE6. When a tab is selected it shows the same 'selected' background, nomatter which tab is selected.

Doesn't IE6 support combined classes correctly??

I know its hard to explain without showing the page but its on a intranet system.


+1  A: 

ie6 doesn't understand chained class names, ie ".nav-admin.selected" won't work in ie.

It will just look at the last class name and ignore the rest.

Donnie C
Ah thanks alot, thought so. Before I used to think whats the deal with the fuss about IE6. Now Im starting to see how much utter trash it really is!
One possible workaround is using spriting--putting both the selected and non-selected images in one png, so that the .selected class only changes the background-position and not the whole png.
Donnie C
Yeah nice one, got it sorted. Thanks!
Thats wrong! IE6 understand until 3 classes: .class.class2.class3, not beyond that. However, it doesn't understand if its an ID in some (well, most) case, like so: #id.class
IE6 does not understand 2 classes. See:
Donnie C