




I have some strings I need to scrape data from. I need a simple way of telling PHP to look in the string and delete data before and after the part I need. An example is:

When: Sat 19 Sep 2009 22:00 to Sun 20 Sep 2009 03:00 

I want to delete the "When: " and then remove the & and everything after it. Is this a Regex thing? Not really used them before.

+1  A: 

I would not use regular expressions for this.

$data = substr($input, 6, strpos($input, '&') - 6);
Alex Barrett
+1  A: 

Yes, regex can do this kind of thing in its sleep.

$result = preg_replace('/When:(.*)&.*/', '$1', $text);

UPDATE If you want to find the date range only, in the middle of a lot of other text, here is a crude regex that will match the one in the question...

if (preg_match('/[a-z]{3} [0-9]{2} [a-z]{3} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} to [a-z]{3} [0-9]{2} [a-z]{3} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/i', $text, $regs)) {
    $result = $regs[0];
} else {
    $result = "";
This would be better: `$result = preg_replace('/When: ([^`
Jeremy Stein
Sorry, I should have mentioned that there could be plenty of text before, or after those areas. I need the regex to remove those parts and everything proceeding and after.
Ah, you didn't say that. I have updated the answer to include a regex that will find the date range in the middle of a general body of text. It is a bit crude, but by adding brackets around each part you will be able to access all the parts of the dates separately which might be useful.

So you would want to keep "Sat 19 Sep 2009 22:00 to Sun 20 Sep 2009 03:00"

Well you can go for a regexp alright. I don't know much about the Regexp in PHP, but in PERL, you could do somehing like

/^When: (.*)\ $/ .

The (.*) could then be used to get all that is what you want to keep. In PERL, that would be looking the $1 var.

Or you could do something like

/^When: (.)\&.$/ if the content after the & is variable.

Also, you must watch out. If the string you want to keep contains &, then it might a little more tricky.

But RegExp are usually the way to got for this type of work.

David Brunelle