My Android application has some files in the assets directory that I want to open on startup by listing the files in the directory and opening each. I am trying to use the AssetManager to do this but it does not seem to do as I would expect. My sample code is below. Is this the correct way or is there a better way to do this?
And I am using the following method to print out the assets directory tree.
void displayFiles (AssetManager mgr, String path) {
try {
String list[] = mgr.list(path);
if (list != null)
for (int i=0; i<list.length; ++i)
Log.v("Assets:", path +"/"+ list[i]);
displayFiles(mgr, path + list[i]);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.v("List error:", "can't list" + path);
From my Activity's onCreate method I do the following:
final AssetManager mgr = getAssets();
displayFiles(mgr, "/assets");
displayFiles(mgr, "./assets");
displayFiles(mgr, "/");
displayFiles(mgr, "./");
Which gives me the following output
09-29 20:08:27.843: DEBUG/GFlash(6543): //AndroidManifest.xml 09-29 20:08:27.954: DEBUG/GFlash(6543): //META-INF 09-29 20:08:28.063: DEBUG/GFlash(6543): //assets 09-29 20:08:28.233: DEBUG/GFlash(6543): //classes.dex 09-29 20:08:28.383: DEBUG/GFlash(6543): //com 09-29 20:08:28.533: DEBUG/GFlash(6543): //res 09-29 20:08:28.683: DEBUG/GFlash(6543): //resources.arsc
Thanks in advance!