



Hi all,

I am using svn tortoise to checkout a maven project from a repository, I then open eclispe, and use the m2eclipse plugin to import a maven project. The maven projeect comes in okay, and I can build it fine.

The problem is that eclipse using subversive, isn't marking files/ resources as being in source control (even though I seem to have all the relevant .svn directories.)

I get the same behaviour if I try and check the code in using -> import -> check out Maven Projects from SCM. ie the project imports okay, but the files aren't linked in to teh svn repository in eclipse.

Are there any suggestions as to how I might proceed, as I find the tortoise svn checkin process pretty painful.

thanks in advance.


+1  A: 

Did you set up your project for team sharing (right click on project->Team->Share project)? If I remember correctly that should detect the existing .svn folders an enables version control inside of eclipse.

I concur : if you create the right repository location it should detect the .svn folders and offer to attach the project to the location

You might wanna try using Subclipse. It's the Eclipse plug-in for Subversion and is really good. I've also found that interacting with a SVN repository with Tortoise while also having Eclipse open and accessing the same repository causes problems. You should avoid it if you can.


I would highly recommend making sure that you commit using tortoise svn as I've had particularly spotty consistency with subclipse. If you do you in/out with tortoise, and then just update with subclipse you should be fine.

Spencer K