I found some posts related here but, nothing right on.. I need to serve up an image (humm) "correctly" and using as little resources as possible. I was working on a sub (below) but, is not too resource friendly just by the fact I use CGI. That is just my assumption though. I am a Perl newbie but, I like it better than php.
The query would be generated by "somescript.pl?img=image.png"
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
#I should drop warnings after all is said and done. Also name my vars generically. Right?
#I dont know if this query method will work or is even the best method.
$query = new CGI;
my @img = $query->param;
if ( $_ eq "img" ) { my $file = $query->param($_); }
if ( $_ ne "img" ) { ## I will send to an error sub that serves up a error image
# Prob a one liner to take care of the above. Not within my ability though.
# Still figuring all this out here.. Very verbose sorry...
# I will strip everything but lowercase alpha and the "."
# with s =~ /[something like A-Z] I will look it up //g;
# Still.. prob all above will fit in a one liner by a PERL guru!
# Below is related to -Taint, I was told this is important to use the -T.
$ENV{PATH} = "bin:/usr/bin";
delete( $ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH BASH_ENV ENV)} );
# now I will grab the images extension.
my $ext = ( $file =~ m/[^.]+$/ )[0];
#I was informed to use the "three" but, I am unsure what that means.
# My attempt based on my reading many posts here.
my $length = ( stat($file) )[10];
my $image = do {
local $/ = undef;
print "Content-type: image/$ext\n";
print "Content-length: $length \n\n";
binmode STDOUT;
open( FH, "<", $file ) || die "Could not find $file: $!";
my $buffer = "";
while ( read( FH, $buffer, 10240 ) ) {
print $buffer;
As you can see, my attempt here is obviously a beginners.
I have found great advice here in stack overflow. I thank everyone past and present.