




I am using the jQuery RoundedCorners and it works great. Since I am doing AJAX calls I wanted to continue rounding my corners on the divs that I am appending with my AJAX callbacks.

To get rounded corners I use this syntax


Since the document is already ready while I am making AJAX calls, this won't make my newly appended items rounded. I tried to make this call after I append to my html but it didnt work.

Any ideas on how to use this method so I dont have to use a second type to round corners after AJAX embeds new divs?

Thanks so much!


Add .corner() to the div you fill with the result of your Ajax request.

  url: "test.html",
  cache: false,
  success: function(html){
I am appending multiple divs inside that #results div looping... so I can't do that exactly...I dont want to round the #results div, i want to round the div that I am appending inside the #results div.
What, exactly, does the relevant section of the DOM look like before and after?
James A. Rosen
Basically I am using ajax to filter results... so when u click a category it uses ajax to requery and the return a JSON result. then i iterate thru the data and append div containers for each result. so i want to round the corners for each div. so it looks the same before and after just with filtered results

Perhaps keep track of (or find) the number of .items before the ajax call, then use :gt(index) to only affect the new items?

i.e. something like:

  url: "test.html",
  cache: false,
  success: function(html){
    var numItems = $("#results .item").length;
    //however you load data
    $("#results .item:gt(numItems-1)").corner();

EDIT: From your comments on @powtac's answer, it sounds like you may be completely re-loading the contents of the #results div. If that is the case, you won't need to worry about pre-existing .item divs and can use this:

  url: "test.html",
  cache: false,
  success: function(html){
    //however you load data
    $("#results .item").corner();
Yes sir, that's exactly what I did. Thanks!