



Is there any good open source SQLite database manager around?

I am using sqlitebrowser now but I have to say the interface is not really friendly so I am looking for something better.

+1  A: 

quick google search turns up a couple:

yeah, I googling also but if someone has already tested some would spare me couple of hours of testing.
+4  A: 

My favorite is SQLiteSpy. It's free but not open source.

Nick D
+4  A: 

sqlite-manager extension for Firefox has worked for me. Uses the Mozilla Public License.

Sinan Ünür
It's a little rough on the edges in places, but it works for Komodo, as a standalone XUL application, and as mentioned is a Firefox extension. Also the ability to add/drop/rename columns feature is nice when designing a schema for sqlite ( note, results may vary due to table def. complexity )

Take a look at the powerful SQLiteManager from SQLabs:

P.S. I am the author

Marco Bambini

SQL Buddy could make it. I use it on mysql, but today I saw it does sqlite too.

Wouldn't call it GUI, though: more of a PHP Web UI.

Smooth javascript animations make it usable, and it runs everywhere. (given a php webserver handy)

+11  A: 

I've been on a search for a really good Sqlite Admin tool since I started iPhone programming a year ago. I've been mainly using the Firefox Plugin 80-90% or the time and Sqlite Administrator the rest of the time. I decided to do some more searching over the last couple of days and here's my report.
Obviously this is just my opinion so your mileage may vary. I've been a Sql Server program for ten years, so my yard stick for tools like this is Query Analyzer/Sql Management Studio, which is a tough hurdle especially for free tools.

Sqllite Manager Firefox Plugin
Cross Platform, Firefox. This is the Sqlite Tool I've used the most. It's actually really good, especially considering it runs in a browser. It gets updated pretty frequently which is nice. There aren't (at least I can't find) keyboard shortcuts for executing queries. The UI isn't awesome, but it get's the job done. It's got decent import features,( delimited files, sql and xml). No Excel import but you can always save as a CSV file right? If you are importing a big file or querying a lot of data sometimes the script will timeout which may or may not cause issues. Usually you can opt to continue running the script and it sort's itself out eventually.

Sqlite Administrator
Windows Client, Free When I need to do more in the way of writing complex queries or db design, I'll use Sqlite Administrator. The query results grid is kind of weird as it tends to expand small columns so most of you data get's pushed off the side of the window. And I still have no idea what is going on with the "Edit Data" tab.

SqlSpy,Windows, Free
While it doesn't have any import features that I could find, SqlSpy looks like a nice solid query tool and it's free. This may replace Sqlite Admin for me. I'm going to spend some more time with it.

SqlMaestro Windows $79 non commercial $139 commercial
This tool has a nice UI but it's really pricey. The extra tools it gives you above the free applications, like Blob Viewer, and Query build I don't really need. The Import Tool is backwards IMO. You have to create the table /before/ you could import a csv or xls file which is a PITA. That immediately disqualified it as the FF Plugin and Sql Admin do a far better job at importing for free.

Sqlabs Sqlite Manager Win/Mac $49 for one or $79 for dual platform license.
I was excited when I saw,Sqlabs SqlManager. It's a paid app but it has an OSX and Windows version. Both of which look really pretty UI-wise but the utility isn't there for a paid app. There are no import features I can find. When you are on the Sql Editor Panel you cannot see the table list which is a fail. It's got a query builder, but I never use those things. On the plus side it has Analysis and Optimization tools which could be useful. The demo is overly limiting so it's hard to get a good feel for it.

RazorSql Windows, OS X, Linux $69.95
After taking Razor for a spin I was fairly impressed. It works with a ton of db's other than Sqlite. The query editor is pretty good. The Import feature is backwards like Sqlmaestro, where it won't create the imported table for you, you have to do it ahead of time. It's a cross platform java app so the UI is a little sluggish compared to a native app and has that Java look and feel to it. If I were to pay for one of these tools Razor would be it.

In summary I like the free tools the best. I don't mind paying for a programming tool if it's worth it, but these paid tools are all lacking in some important respect. They just didn't bring enough to the table above and beyond what the free tools do to justify the price. The one I'd be most likely to pay for is Razor Sql, though it needs a better import tool .Sqlabs Sql Manager has promise, I'll keep an eye one that in the future, if it improves its query editor it might get my money.

It looks like the FF Plugin is going to continue to be my primary Sqlite Tool, though I'm going to put SqlSpy in the line up and finish up the RazorSql demo

A big list of Sqlite tools can be found here, Sqlite management Tools. If anybody finds some gems in that list, please post a quick review in this thread.

Update 8/16/10
I was doing quite a bit of work on some messy data so I finally broke down an purchased RazorSql. I've been pretty happy with it.
Good editor. Good syntax highlighting. Allows for executing all or 1 statement within an editor window. Tabbed editor windows. Import is improved. Result set export is decent. Copy a result set and paste into Excel with C,V.
If you aren't doing major work the FF plugin is great. However if you are going to be spending hours at a time working in Sqlite the $70 could be money well spent for you. It saved my sanity.

@TheGeoff: thanks for the answer, yeah I kind of agree with you Sqlite manager for firefox seems to be the best one but I hope some open source project will come out some day because sqlite appears to be the poor children of RDBM in terms of query interface.
+1 for adding a lot of background to the other apps. For 70$ RazorSQL seems like a pretty good value.

Sqliteman which is built on QT. I like it quite a bit.
