



is it possible to handle all wildcards in _menu() by module.

I know about specific wildcards like

display/page/% but that won't work for paths display/page/3/andOrderBy/Name

what If I want to handle unpredicted ammount of parameters like


I want to have one display/* _menu() path to handle all ARGUMENTS.

how can I do it ?

+3  A: 

Drupal will pass any additional URL elements as additional parameters to your hook_menu callback function - use func_get_args() in your callback to get them.

So if you register only one wildcard display/page/%, but the actual request has two additional elements display/page/3/andOrderBy/Name, your callback will be passed '3' as an explicit parameter, but also 'andOrderBy' and 'Name' as implicit additional ones.

Example callback:

function yourModuleName_display_callback($page_number) {
  // Grab additional arguments
  $additional_args = func_get_args();
  // Remove first one, as we already got it explicitely as $page_number
  // Check for additional args
  if (!empty($additional_args)) {
    // Do something with the other arguments ...
  // other stuff ...
Henrik Opel

ah ;) you were right

here is how i solved it.

function mysearch_menu() {
$items['mysearch/%'] = array(
'page callback' => 'FN_search',
'access callback' => TRUE,
return $items;

function FN_search()
    return print_r(func_get_args(),true);
David King
BTW, it is standard practice in Drupal to prefix all your functions with your modules name to prevent naming conflicts, so if your module is called 'mysearch', your callback should be named `mysearch_search` or `mysearch_FN_search`. Otherwise adding a new module to an existing instance might break the site.
Henrik Opel