what is the best way to show a spinner?
I have prepared a div(id="spinner"), that should be visible during loading.
Best regards
what is the best way to show a spinner?
I have prepared a div(id="spinner"), that should be visible during loading.
Best regards
Do you use jQuery?
If so you can use:
ajaxStart & ajaxStop: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax
For example:
// hide it first
// when an ajax request starts, show spinner
// when an ajax request complets, hide spinner
You can fine tune a little with a request counter that increments and decrements in case you have a lot of simultaneous requests.
If you don't use jQuery, check out the jQuery Source code for which events ajaxStart actually register in plain old javascript.
HTH Alex
$().ajaxSend(function(r, s) {
$().ajaxStop(function(r, s) {