



I don't want a fancy bug tracking suite. Sometimes I am working on projects/tools for myself, and I just want to keep track of any bugs, features, etc.. as I go along. I keep these in TODO and a bugs.txt for now, but it would be nice if there was a typical bug tracking system that would be stored with the project or solution file itself.

EDIT: To clarify, if I have to run any server portion to access it (website, database, etc..) then it becomes sort of useless to me. I want it stored with the project itself so that I can open it up on multiple computers.

+2  A: 

Since it appears that Visual Studio integration is important to you, I would recommend Visual Studio Team System.

If IDE integration wasn't so important to you, I would recommend Redmine.

James Jones
Odd, I have Team System, and I do not see any bug tracking pieces in it. If it requires TFS, then that's sort of what I mean by 'suite', I don't want to have to run a server somewhere.
VSTS is pretty much the definition of a "Fancy bug tracking suite"
A consultant I know rants and raves about VSTS integrated bug tracking. We use Redmine in my department and I love it... Very versatile/configurable.
James Jones
If you haven't heard of Redmine before, you should know it's web-based. Their site is actually an instance of itself so you become familiar with the product as you browse their site. Best of all, it's open source. Check it out!
James Jones
I think this requires Tools->Connect to Server, and it is this 'server' portion that I don't have.
+1  A: 

I use SourceGear Fortress which provides a very nice cost effective ALM suite which integrates quite well into Visual Studio and a single user license is free

Abhijeet Patel

Try this one : Visual Stuio.NET Bug Tracking Add-in 1 (Windows)

Overview: Elementool, a leading provider of Web-based bug tracking service, has launched a new issues tracking tool that can be deployed within the popular Microsoft Visual Studio.NET development platform.

+7  A: 

Fogbugz is a great solution. However, I'm not sure this classes as a suite or not. It maybe does. It has some useful features which include (in addition to the website), Visual Studio integration and Source Control intergration. You can even add comments in your code to tie your fixes, bugs and code together.

Where are the VS integration plugins? I looked around the plugins section of the site and couldn't find one.
It's not in the plug-ins section. The Visual studio integration is a separate download ( It isn't bad.
Andrew Song
I'm using the student and startup edition (well, until I hire my next developer - yay for making money) and I had no idea that there was a vs plugin. +1 johnfx and amadiere
+5  A: 

Another free for single user product is Axosoft's OnTime. It has a Windows client, as well as integrating with Visual Studio. Uses MS SQL Server as store, and supports SQL EXpress, so it's still free.

Heh, you answered while I was finding the link. :)
Thanks, I think this is closest to what I want, if it supported SQL compact framework files so that the database is portable it would be near perfect.
+4  A: 

OnTime by Axosoft has a VS.Net add-in, and it's free for a single user.

+4  A: 

Have a look at Artifacts - integrates in Visual Studio, keeps bugs alongside the source code in your version control.

Fyodor Sheremetyev
This is axactly what OP was asking for. "Artifatcs" looks like a very interesting solution - clean, lightweight, portable, flexible. Pretty impressive.