How do I design a Django/Javascript application to provide for conditional Ajax responses to conventional HTTP requests?
On the server, I have a custom-built Form object. When the browser POSTS the form's data, the server checks the submitted data against existing data and rules (eg, if the form adds some entity to a database, does that entity already exist in the database?). If the data passes, the server saves, generates an ID number and adds it to the form's data, and passes the form and data back to the browser.
if request.method == 'POST':
formClass = form_code.getCustomForm()
thisForm = formClass(data=request.POST)
if thisForm.isvalid():
saveCheck = thisForm.saveData()
t = loader.get_template("CustomerForm.html")
c = Context({ 'expectedFormObj': thisForm })
(Note that my custom logic checking is in saveData() and is separate from the html validation done by isvalid().)
So far, standard Django (I hope). But if the data doesn't pass, I want to send a message to the browser. I suppose saveData() could put the message in an attribute of the form, and the template could check for that attribute, embed its data as javascript variable and include a javascript function to display the message. But passing all that form html back, just to add one message, seems inelegant (as does the standard Django form submission process, but never mind). In that case I'd like to just pass back the message.
Now I suppose I could tie a Javascript function to the html form's onsubmit event, and have that issue an XMLHttpRequest, and have the server respond to that based on the output of the saveData() call. But then the browser has two requests to the server outstanding (POST and XHR). Maybe a successful saveData() would rewrite the whole page and erase any potential for conflict. But I'd also have to get the server to sequence its response to the XHR to follow the response to the POST, and figure out how to communicate the saveData outcome to the response to the XHR. I suppose that is doable, even without the thread programming I don't know, but it seems messy.
I speculate that I might use javascript to make the browser's response conditional to something in the response to the POST request (either rewrite the whole page, or just display a message). But I suspect that the page's javascript hands control over the browser with the POST request, and that any response to the POST would just rewrite the page.
So can I design a process to pass back the whole form only if the server-side saveData() works, and a message that is displayed without rewriting the entire form if saveData() doesn't? If so, how?