




In languages like Java, overloading can be used in this way:

void test($foo, $bar){}
int test($foo){}

Then if you called test() with 2 arguments e.g test($x, $y);, the first function would be called. If you passed only 1 argument e.g test($x);, the 2nd function would be called.

From the manual it seems that php 5 does have overloading, but what is it for? I can't seem to understand the manual on this topic..

+13  A: 

PHP's meaning of overloading is different than Java's. In PHP, overloading means that you are able to add object members at runtime, by implementing some of the __magic methods, like __get, __set, __call, __callStatic. You load objects with new members.

Overloading in PHP provides means to dynamically "create" properties and methods. These dynamic entities are processed via magic methods one can establish in a class for various action types.

Some example:

class Foo
    public function __call($method, $args)
        echo "Called method $method";

$foo = new Foo;

$foo->bar(); // Called method bar
$foo->baz(); // Called method baz

And by the way, PHP supports this kind of overloading since PHP 4.3.0. The only difference is that in versions prior to PHP 5 you had to explicitly activate overloading using the overload() function.

Ionuț G. Stan
What can be any possible advantages of that type of overloading whose example you gave???
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One scenario in which `__call()` proved to be very useful was when I built a currency converter class. Instead of calling `$converter->convert(2, 'EUR', 'USD');` you could actually call `$converter->convertEurToUsd(2);`, which is much more readable in my opinion. You may take a look at my sources: http://github.com/igstan/php-utils/blob/master/tests/CurrencyConverterTest.php http://github.com/igstan/php-utils/blob/master/src/CurrencyConverter.php
Ionuț G. Stan
I use this method for a dynamic LINQ-like interface to my database. So I can do things like $db->Select('table')->col_1[$value]->col_2[$value]->Merge('col_1'); So all of the __calls(). Get passed through to the correct handling class (i.e. SQL, File, Xml).
Many PHP ORM libraries use the __get and __set methods to do what null is talking about.
Your currency converter code is very neatly written and formatted! What formatting guidelines do you follow when you write your code?
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Thanks! Really appreciated. I mainly use the PEAR/Zend Framework coding conventions. I keep lines no longer than 79 chars, methods as short as possible and I line up variable declarations in columns. Anyway, GitHub's syntax highlighter has its merits too :)
Ionuț G. Stan
+3  A: 

If you want to overload a function like in Java, don’t specify any arguments and use the func_num_args and func_get_args function to get the number of arguments or the arguments themselves that were passed to that function:

function test() {
    $args = function_get_args();
    swtich (count($args)) {
        case 1:
            // one argument passed
        case 2:
            // two arguments passed
            // illegal numer of arguments