



Hi, I am using WindowsMediaPlayerClass() instance to play an audio file within my application. This audio file is mono audio. Some people complained that - when they play the same audio file via windows media player - the sound is clear and loud; but when they play it using my application that uses WindowsMediaPlayerClass() instance with WindowsMediaPlayerClass.settings.volume=100. I tried tweaking WindowsMediaPlayerClass.settings.balance but it gives NotImplementedException for some reason.

        if (mywmp.settings.get_isAvailable("volume"))
          mywmp.settings.volume = 100;
        if (mywmp.settings.get_isAvailable("balance"))
          mywmp.settings.balance = 100;

Is there any way, I can boost the volume through normalization / equalization techniques in WMP ?

And the IWMPSettings interface is defined as below that contains volume and balance both but only volume works (balance fails). Dont know why ? Any pointers please ?

    namespace WMPLib
    public interface IWMPSettings
        bool autoStart { get; set; }
        **int balance { get; set; }**
        string baseURL { get; set; }
        string defaultFrame { get; set; }
        bool enableErrorDialogs { get; set; }
        bool invokeURLs { get; set; }
        bool mute { get; set; }
        int playCount { get; set; }
        double rate { get; set; }
        **int volume { get; set; }**

        **bool get_isAvailable(string bstrItem);**
        bool getMode(string bstrMode);
        void setMode(string bstrMode, bool varfMode);

Not sure if this is your problem or if I have the right class, but it appears that the volume setting for the MediaPlayer is supposed to go from 0.0 to 1.0. See:
