



Hello, I'm writing a program that has to mantain a large catalog of files. Those may be on different devices and I'd like to know what is the best way to do this in Java. I mean that I need to:

  • Identify the device the file (or just a directory) is on and get a name or identifier for this device that will be consistent...
  • Be able to use this device identifier to check if the device is plugged (like a USB pen, a HDD mounted or not, a network drive...)
  • Having this compatible with Windows, Unix and whatever...

The ideal solution would be some kind of device abstraction... In the docs I can see that File is related to partitions but it doesn't seem to be a proper abstraction or object of the filesystem. Or maybe if there is not a proper java abstraction, the best way to handle this diversity on each system.

+1  A: 

Java 7 has the Path class which is an improvement over File. Check it out at, or the tutorial at

Beau Martínez
For the moment I'd like to work with Java 6. Java 7 isn't yet released and I'd like to struck on portable stuff

If it is acceptable to (a) run only on Windows and (b) require admin rights to run your program, then this can be done with WMI via JACOB.

In particular take a look at the Win32_LogicalDisk class. This is sufficient to get the drive type (IDE, network, USB etc), the volume label and volume serial number (which may be enough to uniquely identify a removable volume for the purposes of your application.)

For more advanced functions (e.g. getting drive serial numbers) there are other classes, e.g. Win32_DiskDrive, Win32_DiskPartition, Win32_PhysicalMedia. However these will only work fully if running as admin.


A quick google turned up which may be of help. At least it describes the state of USB support from a few years ago.

I would attempt to largely avoid the problem, by simplifying aspects of it. Namely I would would keep your catalog at the file/folder abstraction and then use the above article to generate code that listens for any USB activity.

Of course such an approach would require you to check a specific file/folder exists prior to the loading that portion of your catalog. Also you would require a thread to constantly listen for USB events and then perform the neccessary checks if any USB device has been connected/disconnected and perform the neccessary checks on the filesystem again.