





I'm having trouble with a test site's design. When I'm opening my html page with IE, without my doctype line, it renders just the way I like it, but not in FF (because of the way it interprets padding, among other things). When I add the doctype line, the page gets squeezed to a height of about 230px. My intention is to set the height to the maximum page height. Here are my files:

* index.html *

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt;
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="stylesheet.css" /> 
   <!--[if IE]>
  <style type="text/css">
   body {
 text-align: center;
 /* Remove padding: */
 padding: 0;
   #container {
 /* Mind the box model in IE.. */
 height: 100%;
<!--[if IE]><div id="container"><![endif]-->
<div class="container">
  <div class="header">  
  <div class="nav widget-header ">
   <!-- main nav -->
   <a href=""><div class="nav-button state-default " ><img src="a.jpg" alt="a" /></div></a>
   <a href=""><div class="nav-button state-default " ><img src="b.jpg" alt="b" /></div></a>
   <a href=""><div class="nav-button state-default " ><img src="c.jpg" alt="c" /></div></a>
   <a href=""><div class="nav-button state-default " ><img src="d.jpg" alt="d" /></div></a>
   <a href=""><div class="nav-button state-default " ><img src="e.jpg" alt="e" /></div></a>
 </div >
 <div class="content">
  <!--content area-->
 <div class="footer">
  <!-- footer -->
  <p>&copy; Copyright</p>
<!--[if IE]></div><![endif]-->

* stylesheet.css *

/* reset */
html, body, div, span,   
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,  
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,  
img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,  
sbutton_cl, strike, strong,   
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,  
fieldset, form, label, legend,  
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {  
 margin: 0;  
   padding: 0;  
   border: 0;  
   outline: 0;  
   font-size: 100%;
 line-height: 1;  
 text-align: center;

.widget-header {
background:#333333 url(images/bg-state-default.png) repeat-x scroll 50% 50%;;
border:1px solid #333333;

.state-default {
 background: #CC0000 url(images/button-state-default.png) repeat-x scroll 50% 50%;
 border:1px solid #333333;
 font-size: 1em;

.container  {

 border: 1px solid #999999;
 margin: 0 auto;
 width: 800px;
 height: 100%;

.header  {
 border: 1px solid #999999;
 margin-top: 0;
 padding: 10px;

 border: 1px solid #999999;
 margin-top: 2%;
 padding: 10px;
 text-align: center;
 vertical-align: middle;

.nav-button {

 float: left;
 height: 100%;
 margin-left: 3px;
 overflow: hidden;
 width: 150px;

 border: 1px solid #999999;
 margin-top: 4%;
 padding: 10px;

 border: 1px solid #999999;
 margin-top: 4%;
 padding: 10px;
 text-align: center;
 vertical-align: middle;
 background-color: #FFFFFF;

What I'm ultimately trying to do is a design with fixed width and percentage-based height, where child divs are also percentage-based positioned to their parents ( I believe this is the correct way to deal with different screen resolutions ).

I'll be very grateful if anyone can help me with this.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#wrapper { background:red; }
<!--[if IE 6]><style>
#wrapper { height:100%; }
<div id=wrapper>
  <p>Hello from JS Bin</p>

  <p id="hello"></p>
I tried it, doesn't work.
Get rid of the IF IE conditional for the HTML and use id=container.
Try now - I updated the source and here's a live demo: http://jsbin.com/owoheDid not test in IE though.
Thank you. This makes the container take the full height of the page. However, the nested divs still get squeezed; it appears that they ignore any percentage i give them: .nav{ min-height:10% } or .nav{ min-height:100% } aren't making any difference, while .nav{ min-height:100px } does. Any ideas?
You shouldn't really be doing this as it's not flexible and very, very unorthodox in terms of layout. I suggest you not give specific percentages. Though since the wrapper is now 100% of the body, html all the direct children will need heights, not min-height. It would also help actually seeing a visual example.

It isn't clear which version of Explorer you're using (apart from 6), but min-height is read as height by some versions...

However - this is the professional (and easiest way) way to build HTML/CSS:

  1. validate your HTML (important, as invalid HTML can confuse browsers in unpredictable ways!)

  2. get it working and looking how you like in FF;

  3. add conditional comments for IE6 and (if necessary) IE7 and 8.

In IE 6 remember that padding etc. is not added to a box, so will decrease any width or height. Also, some elements without certain CSS properties, e.g. no specific width or height (or auto), do not trigger 'haslayout' in IE.

That may not have solved the problem directly, but I hope it helps pin things down!

Dave Everitt

Though I appreciate his effort, meder's answer was helpful, but incomplete since i want to have a percentage-based design. Dave's answer is more like guidelines. The best solution to my problem is something similar to this: http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/perfect-3-column.htm

Now my problem is solved, thank you for your help.


sage. gb2 doctype.com.
