ok, maybe i've just had too much beer at this point but - i'm just trying to listen for a custom event from a swf i've loaded and i'm just NOT able to capture it. the loading code right now is just:
public function loadGame(gameSrc:String,gX:Number,gY:Number):void { var loader = new Loader(); var addedDefinitions:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(); addedDefinitions.applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(); loader.load(new URLRequest(gameSrc)); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,onLoaded); function onLoaded(evt:Event):void { var game:MovieClip = MovieClip(evt.target.content); game.x = gX; game.y = gY; chamber.mc_gameHolder.addChild(game); Tweener.addTween(chamber.mc_gameTitle,{alpha:1,time:.75}); game.addEventListener("showQuiz",showQuiz); } }
i've tried like a ton of ways to do this and NONE of them work. i know the event is being fired from my loaded swf because i also have a listener in there that traces out a "hello" when it's fired.
anyone? and apologies if this has been posted before - search didn't turn up anything specific.