I setted up a sound with multichannelsupport so now I need to delay the sound in each single speaker. How can I do this with FMODex? Is it possible to do that?
Thanks for helping me! :)
I setted up a sound with multichannelsupport so now I need to delay the sound in each single speaker. How can I do this with FMODex? Is it possible to do that?
Thanks for helping me! :)
So I've got an answer to my question by myself and fmod.org. I have to use the FMOD_DSP_TYPE_DELAY
. With this type I can set the delay for each channel up to 10 seconds. More informations could be found in the documentation from fmod.
Some code for interested fmod users:
FMOD_System_CreateDSPByType(system, FMOD_DSP_TYPE_DELAY, &dspDelay);
FMOD_Channel_AddDSP(channel, dspDelay, 0);
FMOD_DSP_SetActive(dspDelay, true);
while(true) {
FMOD_DSP_SetParameter(dspDelay, FMOD_DSP_DELAY_CH0, delayLeft);
FMOD_DSP_SetParameter(dspDelay, FMOD_DSP_DELAY_CH1, delayRight);
don't foget to set maximum!
if(delayDsp != null)
delayDsp.setParameter((int) FMOD.DSP_DELAY.MAXDELAY, trackBarDelay.Maximum);
p.s. set it on some event, not in loop ;}