Davy wrote, "It is possible then to click on a row, pop-up with filled editable controls, validate and save and then redirect back to the list page?
Hi Davy,
I also have implemented jQuery UI dialogs in my MVC forms. The hard part is not the dialog, but the ajax calls. Data-wise, a jQuery dialog (recommended) is nothing more than another DIV tag in your form.
When you declare the Dialog options, you can specify buttons, with names and a function they execute. In you modal dialog, add something like:
buttons: { "Add row": function() { yourAjaxFunction(); }
in the function yourAjaxFunction(), you can get your values with something like:
var myFields = $("#MyDialog").serialize();
var myFieldsArray = $("#MyDialog").serializeArray();
to get the names and values of your fields, then validate them, and then post "myFields" to your controller with a:
$.ajax(<your options here>);
or a :
$.post(<your options here>)
Your MVC controller will happily convert values specified in the querystring to matching named method parameters, save them, and then return a response (either a Partial View or JSON or text).
The Ajax reference in jQuery is very helpful for this.