



Very often in job offers one is asked to provide some 'example code' together with the CV. I found it kind of difficult do decide which code is a good choice.

Of cause it has to be meaningful code but on the other hand short enough to get a quick overview. It has to be well-documentated but not filled up with messy comments.

Okay, sure, it depends on context and language to some degree. In my case it would be web development and ruby/rails, but I think it matters for all others out there as well.

So, what are your experiences with this? Any guideline to take some orientation from? How did you decided your choice?

Or perhaps you're in the lucky position of querying for examples yourself - what would you like to see? Any hints?

+1  A: 

Code Samples to go with a Resume?

When a potential employer wants “code samples”, what do they REALLY want?

Job Application Code Samples

Developer Art
Oups, example vs sample.. thanks and solved, I'm reading on there!