



I have renamed some excel files on my web server and after renaming the users cannot download those files. What could be the problem. They are all excel files.

+1  A: 

Some possibilities I can think of:

  • Make sure the extension on the files is still .xls (that's how it associates the mime type)
  • Check the file protections on the files in case it, or the ownership got changed when you renamed them
  • Make sure Excel didn't open them on the webserver (if a windows web server) as it will keep them locked until the EXCEL.EXE process is killed.

Might be one of those ...


Ron Savage
Also, check that the case of the file is consistent with the links to that file. If you are using a *nix server, it is case sensitive.

One reason is renaming file in webserver will requires refrseh or reloading the page.Did u try that

+1  A: 

Another possible problem is that your webserver is case-sensitive when it comes to file names, and when you renamed the files, the name might have different capitalisation to what it did before (think .XLS to .xls)


Can you give an example of one of the file names, before and after?

Gordon Bell