



I'm using MVCSiteMap as a SiteMapProvider for my MVC site. I have a node set up like so....

<mvcSiteMapNode key="1" title="Product" controller="Product" action="Display" isDynamic="true" dynamicParameters="id">
    <mvcSiteMapNode key="11" title="More Details" controller="Product" action="MoreDetails" isDynamic="true" dynamicParameters="id" />

...Which means I can go to ~/Product/Display/12 and get a correct sitemap node for product id 12 (in this case just Product. And I can go to ~/Product/MoreDetails/12 and get the sitemap path for the MoreDetails (Product -> More Details). The problem is that the link back to Product in this sitemap doesn't work - it skips the id off the end, instead linking to ~/Product/Display/. Which sucks.

I've discovered I can edit the Title of a node using

SiteMap.CurrentNode.Title = "My New Title";


SiteMap.CurrentNode.ParentNode.Url = "";

Doesn't set the Url for the parent node; it gets the default link described before.

Any ideas how I can set the URL of a SiteMapNode?


I have the same dilemna. Did you have any luck finding an answer?
