
Using Web.SiteMap with Dynamic URLS (URL Routing)

I would like to match "approximate" matches in Web.SiteMap The Web.Sitemap static sitemap provider works well, except for one thing. IT'S STATIC! So, if I would have to have a sitemapnode for each of the 10,000 articles on my page like so :

How to configure a custom SiteMapNode for a sitemap?

I created a class which inherits from SiteMapNode and overrode the Title property of it. However how and where do I configure it so that my sitemap (and custom sitemapprovider) takes this custom SiteMapNode implementation instead of the default one? ...

Readonly SiteMapNodes in ASP.Net MVC?

I'm using MVCSiteMap as a SiteMapProvider for my MVC site. I have a node set up like so.... <mvcSiteMapNode key="1" title="Product" controller="Product" action="Display" isDynamic="true" dynamicParameters="id"> <mvcSiteMapNode key="11" title="More Details" controller="Product" action="MoreDetails" isDynamic="true" dynamicParameters=...

jquery dialog from sitemapnode

I Have a asp:Menu item in my masterpage file and it is using a sitemap. In my sitemap file, i have some sitemapnodes: <siteMapNode> <siteMapNode url="qq.aspx" title="qq" /> <siteMapNode url="#" title="Feedback"/> </siteMap> in the codebehind file of my masterpage, I add a javascript function to the feedback node: protected void me...

Asp menu control formatting sitemapnode

I'm trying to figured out how to separately format sitemapnodes which do not have a URL associated. Here's a code example: <siteMapNode title="TheThingIWantFormattedSeparately"> <siteMapNode url="~/pages/customer.aspx" title="Customer"/> <siteMapNode url="~/pages/contract.aspx" title="Contract"/> So I'm wanting the FIRST sit...

How do I look up a SiteMapNode by its URL (or other key)?

I think the C# ASP.NET SiteMap uses URL as a dictionary key internally since it has to lookup by URL all the time, and forces them to be unique. I want to use that lookup table, but I can't seem to find access to it. What is the most efficient way to get a specific SiteMapNode by URL? Is there access to it? My use case is that I wa...