+1  A: 

You're being caught out by Event Bubbling.

Use mouseenter() instead of mouseover.

I actually use "mouseenter", but I am stupid anyway.
+1  A: 

Stop event propagtion in your mouseover handler.

$('selector').mouseover( function(e) {

You also might want to think about using the hover() method or the hoverIntent() plugin. The latter will help to reduce any flashing as you simply drag your mouse across the page by enforcing a timed wait before the event handler is invoked.

Even better, using e.stopPropagagtion().

Ok, I wanna kill myself, but here is the answser.

I stupidely forgot to stop the event propagation. You callback function, the one called when "onmouseover" is triggered, must of course return whether has done it's job or not. Return "false" if you don't want the event to be bubbled any upper.

Now, after spending 3 hours on the subject, would you excuse me, I have to hang myself. Cheers.

P.S : I bequeath all my SO rep to the Community Wiki.
