
How can I get a MVMapView object to post onmouseover and onmouseout events?

I'm developing a web-mapping application for which the map view is provided by Oracle MapViewer as a MVMapView object. What i'm really trying to do is add mouse wheel functionality for zooming in/out when the mouse is over the viewable map. Unfortunately MapViewer doesn't have an onmousewheel event with this object so i'm trying to do th...

modifying JavaScript rollover script

Hi all, I'm trying to implement this JavaScript code on blogspot (which parses XML code, some code works better than others) </head><body> <div class="navbar section" id="navbar"><div class="widget Navbar" id="Navbar1"><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventLi...

Why does the "onmouseover" event use "return true" to prevent default behavior?

I have been searching for this for some time, but haven't got any explanation. For "onclick" and other events in javascript, the event handler returning false means "prevent default action". However, there is one exception for "onmouseover". For "onmouseover", returning true means "prevent default action". Why is there such a weird exc...

Jquery menu: mouseover/mouseout moseenter/mouseleave craziness

I am trying to craft a simple menu where the first level menu entries are li elements and second level are ul blocks with their own li elements. Nothing really bright. Css contains display:none for all submenus and my (optimistic) idea was simply to show proper ul elements when mouseover is fired on first level entries then to hide them ...

Server Side ListBox Visibility with C# and ASP.NET

I am interested in using a "onmouseover" event to make a listbox appear and disappear. I am fairly new with ASP.NET and I do not want to write javascript just yet. I am trying to use the following code, and the color change portion of it works, but the listbox visibility doesn't work: if (!IsPostBack) { But...

ASP.NET C# OnMouseOver Event to Make ListBox Appear and Disappear

I have a single webform that has a listbox and a button. When the onmousover event fires the listbox will appear; however on page load, the listbox should not be visible. I have the following code (please excuse the background color changes): Button2.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "this.style.backgroundColor='Blu...

Add border on mouseover

I want to have a table border (which I can set using css, rather than the inline border= attribute) to be set to border: 1px solid black; when I mouseover the table. How do I go about doing this in jQuery. I think it's identical to what's happening to the buttons at the top of this page (Questions, Tags, Users etc) except that is a div ...

Javascript and ASP.NET with Visual Studio OnMouseOver Control Validation Error

Hello: I just started working with Javascript and I ran into an error with Visual Studio stating, "Validation (ASP.Net): Attribute 'onMouseOver' is not a valid attribute of element 'Button'". Basically, I entered onMouseOver="this.style.color='Red'" within the HTML code of a button control. When I run my web project, the mouse over co...

mini-screen popups on mouse over

I can't figure out how to phrase this question to be honest. :/ But I'm trying to get the following effect: http://zack.scudstorm.com/example.png I was wondering if anyone here could help me try to figure out how to accomplish this effect as seen in the image? :/ The effect, as seen in the image, is that when I hover over an image, o...

Javascript onmouseover not working with doctype in firefox?

I am using the JavaScript onmouseover event for the menu on my website, but it does not work in firefox when I declare a doctype. And if i don't declare a doctype IE displays the page wrong. Here is the method that I used. loadImage1 = new Image(); loadImage1.src = "http://broken.gif"; staticImage1 = new Image(); staticImage1.src = "ht...

About WM_MOUSEHOVER, controls and Balloons

Hi, I have this code in the switch (msg) loop inside WindowProc on my GUI App. case WM_MOUSEMOVE: TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.dwFlags = TME_HOVER; tme.dwHoverTime = 100; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); break; case WM_MOUSEHOV...

What's the best way to "turn off" a javascript function triggered by an event on the page

I have a nav element that onmouseover I'd like to disable the onmouseover of nearby images. I was thinking that I'd just loop through and collect the images and set their onmouseover to '' and then onmouseout of the nav element set the images onmouseover back to what it was. Is there a better way to just get the images onmouseover func...

appendchild on mouseover

I'm searching and displaying results from an xml file using combination of javascript and jquery. The results are displayed as thumbnails which upon clicking should bring up more information in jquery colorbox. The information in the colorbox comes from inline hidden div(#affInfo). I'm trying to append a new div(pWindow) to the hidden di...

How can I trigger an onmouseover from another function?

In one function, having nothing to do with another item, how can I trigger an onmouseover event in javascript on a div with id 'item'? ...

More positioning alt text

On this page: http://sparqtraining.com/ The alt text for the thumbnails presents after the onmouseover event in a box underneath all of the pictures. How did they do that? ...

Unexpected "onmouseover" behavior with jQuery

I have a "onmouse over" even binded to all elements of the page. When the mouse is over an element, it draws a red border to the closest upper relevant element (try aardvark for an example). I have the follwing code : <p> <img height="333" width="250" title="Image par hyperbolic pants explosion sous licence CC - http://www.flickr.com/p...

Javascript - JQuery - OnHover NOT OnClick - Modifying a plugin

If you look at the right, there is a thumbnail gallery. I need to change the action from 'on click' to 'on hover'. I'm not a javascript developer and changing scripts at this point will be futile (too many hours modifying this one...for other reasons). If you could help me find a way to change the action from 'on click' to 'on hover', I...

onmouseover doesn't work when using javascript to add img tag on IE

I need some javascript code that dynamically adds an img tag to a div, and the img tag needs onmouseover and onmouseout handlers. I have it working on Firefox. But it doesn't quite work on IE. On IE, the img tag is added, but the onmouseover and onmouseout handlers are not active. Here's the code: <body> <div id='putImageHere' />...

Javascript: enable/disable button with mouseover/mouseout help

Ok..this should be pretty straightforward: <input type="button" name="test" id="test" value="roll over me" onmouseover="this.disabled=true;" onmouseout="this.disabled=false;"> if i mouseover this button, it gets disabled..yay! But now when I mouseout, it doesn't get enabled...boo. I understand the concept of disabling it means you can...

Gridview Issue ?

Hi I have the task Which i am having Gridview ie: parent- Child Relationship so inside the Child Gridview i am binding data so here i want to show each record with small image next to each record so when i move mouse over that image i have to show the next record like wise if i mouse-over the second row image i have to show the third ro...