
Creating a Popup Balloon like Windows Messenger or AVG

How can I create a Popup balloon like you would see from Windows Messenger or AVG or Norton or whomever? I want it to show the information, and then slide away after a few seconds. Edit: It needs to be blocking like Form.ShowDialog() because the program exits after displaying the notification ...

Accessing balloon tips from VBA

How do you access balloon tips in the task tray area using VBA? I'm looking to find some simple methods to display and possibly even interact with the user. I am using Windows XP and MS Access 2003. ...

Tray Icon issue

Hi all, i have a program which displays tray icon and popups and balloon when some event occurs. The problem arises when i change the image of the try icon no balloon popups when the event occurs what could i be missing? Abdul khaliq ...

About WM_MOUSEHOVER, controls and Balloons

Hi, I have this code in the switch (msg) loop inside WindowProc on my GUI App. case WM_MOUSEMOVE: TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.dwFlags = TME_HOVER; tme.dwHoverTime = 100; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); break; case WM_MOUSEHOV...

Balloon-widget for GWT

I'm searching for a balloon-like widget for a GWT application, e.g. like the balloons Google Maps shows when displaying search results on a map. When searching I only found Javascript widgets, but aren't there any widgets to use in GWT? ...

popup for full calendar in jquery

I need to show a popup (balloon popup as in google calendar) while creating an event in the jquery full calendar. Any best plugins for the popup which shows as balloon and also which handles the click events (which I am using to create/edit/delete events from popup)? ...

Detecting Notification Balloons

Hi, Using WinXP. What I need to do (pref in VB or c#) is to detect when another (closed source) program displays a notification balloon in the tray - and grab the details. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ...

Balloon tooltip with close button - C#

How do I create a ballon tool tip with a close button. I can show a tooltip: TaskbarIcon.ShowBalloonTip(10000); but I can't do the opposite: TaskbarIcon.CloseBalloonTip(); Or even a way to show a close box on a Balloon Tip. I saw this question posted on another site but with no (free) answer. Thanks in advance ...

WPF custom BalloonTips problem with multithreading

Hi, I have read other related question but i cant really get them to relate to this so I thought it were best to ask, Im pretty new to WPF and so on so please bear with me. I am using this http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/wpf_notifyicon.aspx api to work with custom WPF Windows (in particular FancyBalloon). However, i'm coming across ...

Zend + Pop Up's balloons on Server Problem

Dear Friends from Stackoverflow, Please help me with a problem that i'm having when uploading my project to the server. I'm using pop up's balloons (http://mckay.cshl.edu/balloons.html) for a project using Zend FW and it works fine on my localhost. (I'm using MAMP on MacOSX) but when I upload the webpage to the server, the text inside...

Can I align the text in a C# balloon tip ?

Hello, I wrote a little C# program that displays text in a balloon tip from time to time. When the text is in English, there's no problem : Everything is aligned to the left and is readable, but sometimes I have some Hebrew text and a left alignment of a RTL language gets all screwy. I was wondering if there's a way to right-align the He...

Windows Balloon-tooltips in Python

Following the example at http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.general/541418, I've succeeded in creating a callable class for balloon tooltips, but the greater complexities of that code elude me when it comes to customization. I browsed a bit of how it works through msdn, but being a novice at more windows-esque languagues like c a...

System Tray Balloon Notifications from Adobe Air?

Is it possible to make an Adobe Air app create a native windows balloon notification/tooltip? I know it is possible to make a window appear in the corner, but I would like to use native windows notifications. ...