
How to change image and alt attribute on click?

I'm looking to change several images onclick using JQuery instead of normal JavaScript and also change the image alt attribute at the same time for accessibility. It should be something easy as I'm not looking to do some special effect on change but I still haven't find anything about it. Here is the way I was doing with JS (without ch...

How to change alt attribute of an image several times with jQuery?

This question completes the first one that I asked here about how to change an image on click using jQuery. I forgot to say (even if I edited my post later) that I'm looking for a way to have a different alt attribute each time an image is changed by click. (This is for better accessibility and SEO optimization.) Here is the actual ht...

Umbraco CMS stripping ALT tags from images when content saved

Umbraco is taking: <img alt="Your Title - for example Mr., Mrs., Ms." src="../media/21283/q16x16.gif" width="16" height="15"/> And turning it into <img alt="" src="/media/21283/q16x16.gif" width="16" height="15" rel="16,15"/> If I alter the alt tag after this processing then the alt tag is saved. ...

Pulling alt's value

I am looking to use Javascript or jQuery to pull the alt tag from the specific image that had been clicked in the HTML and copy its value into a caption field. function change_image(diff){ var newAlt = $(this).attr('alt'); position = (position + diff + hrefs.length) % hrefs.length; revealImage(hrefs[position]); $nav.find('.count...

More positioning alt text

On this page: The alt text for the thumbnails presents after the onmouseover event in a box underneath all of the pictures. How did they do that? ...

Within headers, images with alt text vs. text

Do search engines treat the alt text of an image placed within an h1 tag the same way they would treat regular text placed in an h1 tag? I gave a search through here looking for an answer to this question, but was only able to find information on image replacement and the infamous h1 debate. For example would: <h1><img src="#" alt="Co...

Extracting caption from alt attribute and inserting into a div

I am using the rather lovely jQuery slideviewer 1.1 plugin on a site at the moment, but would like to extract the alt attribute from images displayed and insert them into a div at the appropriate time. The current code for the plugin is shown below for reference: jQuery(function(){ jQuery("div.svw").prepend("<img src='/template/them...

How to suppress popping-up of alt tooltip for an AREA tag?

I am using an image map which contains a lot of <area> tags. I have alt attributes for each of the area which gets popped up as a tooltip in IE. Can we suppress this behavior? I tried using empty title attribute but it did not work. Edit: I need the alt attribute for other screen readers. So i cannot just make it empty ir remove it. I j...

Can I wrap img alt text?

I have an image set by css style to 100x75. When it doesn't load, the alt text loads into the space, but expands the container to beyond 100px width. How can I prevent this? Either by cutting it off or wrapping it. ...

why is the <img> alt attribute not always properly displayed

So I have this php script that output an html table with data about some files (like filename, filesize, etc...) I have this javascript function that displays the picture when you hover a tag belonging to the class "preview". For example, if a filename is: somePic.jpg, when you hover somePic.jpg in the table, the picture will appear nex...

In coldfusion how can I find the filesize of a linked file and use that as an alt attribute

I have a large list with icons linking to pdf and msword files. I'd like to get the filesize in kb of the linked file then use that as the alt attribute on the image. The generated code would look something like this. Description of file <a href="file1.pdf"><img src="pdficon.gif" alt="27.6 kb" /></a> <a href="file1.doc"><img src="wordi...

Is alt="" appropriate in some situations for html img tag?

We have a project that is all about web accessibility compliance. About a week from launch we have the accessibility committee reviewing our site to give the final thumbs up. However, they reported back to us that we should set alt="" on some of our icons because they do not provide any additional content to the site and thus are merel...