



I am using the rather lovely jQuery slideviewer 1.1 plugin on a site at the moment, but would like to extract the alt attribute from images displayed and insert them into a div at the appropriate time.

The current code for the plugin is shown below for reference:

   jQuery("div.svw").prepend("<img src='/template/theme/designdistillery/img/bg-portfolio-loading.gif' class='ldrgif' alt='loading...'/ >"); 
var j = 0;
var quantofamo = 0;
jQuery.fn.slideView = function(settings) {
    settings = jQuery.extend({
    easeFunc: "easeInOutExpo",
    easeTime: 750,
    toolTip: false
    }, settings);
    return this.each(function(){
        var container = jQuery(this);
        container.find("img.ldrgif").remove(); // removes the preloader gif
        var pictWidth = container.find("img").width();
        var pictHeight = container.find("img").height();
        var pictEls = container.find("li").size();
        var stripViewerWidth = pictWidth*pictEls;
        container.find("ul").css("width" , stripViewerWidth); //assegnamo la larghezza alla lista UL    
        container.css("width" , pictWidth);
        container.css("height" , pictHeight);
        container.each(function(i) {

            jQuery(this).after("<div class='stripTransmitter' id='stripTransmitter" + (j) + "'><ul><\/ul><\/div>");
            jQuery(this).find("li").each(function(n) {
                        jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " ul").append("<li><a title='" + jQuery(this).find("img").attr("alt") + "' href='#'>"+(n+1)+"<\/a><\/li>");                                             
            jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " a").each(function(z) {
                jQuery(this).bind("click", function(){

                jQuery(this).addClass("current").parent().parent().find("a").not(jQuery(this)).removeClass("current"); // wow!
                var cnt = -(pictWidth*z);
                container.find("ul").animate({ left: cnt}, settings.easeTime, settings.easeFunc);
                return false;

                // next image via image click   14/01/2009
                jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " a").parent().parent().parent().prev().find("img").each(function(z) {
                jQuery(this).bind("click", function(){
                    var ui  =   jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().next().find("a");
                    if(z+1 < pictEls){
                    else ui.eq(0).trigger("click");

            jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j).css("width" , pictWidth);
            jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " a:first").addClass("current");
  ".stripTransmitter ul").find("a").Tooltip({
                track: true,
                delay: 0,
                showURL: false,
                showBody: false

It's as simple as:

$("div").html( $("#myImg").attr("alt") );

When do you want this to happen?

Mark Ursino
Hi Mark! Thanks for your help! In terms of the above script, I'd be looking to display the caption when the image is "active" on screen!
Alex Stanhope

The image is activated (or brought into view) on screen by this line

container.find("ul").animate({ left: cnt}, settings.easeTime, settings.easeFunc);

you need to modify this line to:

container.find("ul").animate({ left: cnt}, settings.easeTime, settings.easeFunc, function(){
   // z is the index of the currently showing picture, 
   // it comes from the .each call above

   var altText = $(this).find("img").eq(z).attr("alt"); //get alt value

   // now insert the text from the alt value

Hope this helps....


Thanks for all the help guys!

I tweaked ekhaled's version of the script so that the caption was displayed underneath the first image in the series, as well as a simple fade effect for captions for any subsequent images - it's all working brilliantly now!

Thanks again :)

jQuery("div.svw").prepend("<img src='/template/theme/designdistillery/img/bg-portfolio-loading.gif' class='ldrgif' alt='loading...'/ >"); 
var j = 0;
var quantofamo = 0;
jQuery.fn.slideView = function(settings) {
  settings = jQuery.extend({
  easeFunc: "easeInOutExpo",
  easeTime: 750,
  toolTip: false
    }, settings);
  return this.each(function(){
   var container = jQuery(this);
   container.find("img.ldrgif").remove(); // Removes the preloader gif
   var pictWidth = container.find("img").width();
   var pictHeight = container.find("img").height();
   var pictEls = container.find("li").size();
   var stripViewerWidth = pictWidth*pictEls;
   container.find("ul").css("width" , stripViewerWidth); 
   container.css("width" , pictWidth);
   container.css("height" , pictHeight);
   container.each(function(i) {
    var altTextstart = $(this).find("img").attr("alt");
    jQuery(this).after("<div class='stripTransmitter' id='stripTransmitter" + (j) + "'><ul><\/ul><\/div>");
    jQuery(this).find("li").each(function(n) {
     jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " ul").append("<li><a title='" + jQuery(this).find("img").attr("alt") + "' href='#'>"+(n+1)+"<\/a><\/li>");          
    jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " a").each(function(z) {
     jQuery(this).bind("click", function(){ 
      var cnt = -(pictWidth*z);
      container.find("ul").animate({ left: cnt}, settings.easeTime, settings.easeFunc,function(){
       // z is the index of the currently showing picture, 
       // It comes from the .each call above
       var altText = $(this).find("img").eq(z).attr("alt"); // Get alt value
       // Now insert the text from the alt value
      return false;
    jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " a").parent().parent().parent().prev().find("img").each(function(z) {
     jQuery(this).bind("click", function(){
      var ui  =  jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().next().find("a");
      if(z+1 < pictEls){
       else ui.eq(0).trigger("click");
   jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j).css("width" , pictWidth);
   jQuery("div#stripTransmitter" + j + " a:first").addClass("current");      
   if(settings.toolTip){".stripTransmitter ul").find("a").Tooltip({
     track: true,
     delay: 0,
     showURL: false,
     showBody: false,
Alex Stanhope
since you have used all the code I provided... it would make sense to mark mine as the answer :-)