
How can I get a MVMapView object to post onmouseover and onmouseout events?

I'm developing a web-mapping application for which the map view is provided by Oracle MapViewer as a MVMapView object. What i'm really trying to do is add mouse wheel functionality for zooming in/out when the mouse is over the viewable map. Unfortunately MapViewer doesn't have an onmousewheel event with this object so i'm trying to do th...

Javascript onmouseout Sleep?

Hi everyone, In Javascript, I want my onmouseout event to sleep/pause/wait/ (not sure of the proper terminology here) for three seconds before taking effect. How is that accomplished? thanks ...

image change on onmouseover, onmouseout, onclick events

Hi All, I have a two iamges say, img1 and img2. My Code : <div id="JourneyReport" style="display:none;" class="divbackground"> <uc1:ReportControl ID="JourneyControl" runat="server" /> </div> </td> and my javascript is: function roll(id,img_name,event_name,img_id) { var state ; if(event_name == 'mouseover...

What's the best way to "turn off" a javascript function triggered by an event on the page

I have a nav element that onmouseover I'd like to disable the onmouseover of nearby images. I was thinking that I'd just loop through and collect the images and set their onmouseover to '' and then onmouseout of the nav element set the images onmouseover back to what it was. Is there a better way to just get the images onmouseover func...

Javascript: enable/disable button with mouseover/mouseout help

Ok..this should be pretty straightforward: <input type="button" name="test" id="test" value="roll over me" onmouseover="this.disabled=true;" onmouseout="this.disabled=false;"> if i mouseover this button, it gets disabled..yay! But now when I mouseout, it doesn't get enabled...boo. I understand the concept of disabling it means you can...

How to catch onmouseleave event for TDateTimePicker component in Delphi 7

I need to detect OnMouseLeave event for TDateTimePicker component, but it doesn't contain such event in events list. Is there a way to detect it manually? ...

GMarker onmouseout event fired too soon

Here's the situation: On my Google Map, I'm trying to open an html info window whenever the user moves its mouse over a GMarker. This window should be closed when the pointer is out of the marker. GEvent.addListener(my_marker, "mouseover", function() { MaCarte.openInfoWindowHtml(new GLatLng(my_marker.getLatLng().lat()+0.002, my_marke...

jQuery onmouseover + onmouseout / hover on two different divs

Hello everybody, I've got a Problem: Here a part of my HTML: <div id="div_1"> Here Hover </div> <div id="div_2"> Here content to show </div> And here a part of my jQuery Script: jQuery('#div_2').hide(); jQuery('#div_1').onmouseover(function() { jQuery('#div_2').fadeIn(); }).onmouseout(function(){ jQuery('#div_2').fa...

Remove an event and setting it again

Hello. I have a mouseover and a mouseout event on a menu, that shows/hides a drop down menu. This drop down menu has some other menu items, and I wish to (when clicked) to remove the mouse out event on the target that showed the menu. But once another target is clicked I wish to enable this event again. I hope I explained it well. Thi...

Javascript onmouseout event

Hi everyone! So I have a nav with 3 circles, and a jquery slider. By default the first circle is lit up, and when a user clicks on the 2nd circle the slider moves to the 2nd div and then that circle is lit and the 1st circle dims out. This works the same way with the 3rd circle. Everything works fine, this is what the code looks like ...

Internet Explorer and onMouseOver/onMouseOut

Hi all, I have tried looking a similar question on here but couldnt find one so here it comes: I have this html (ignore the "+whatever+@", its in a codebehind file so im putting some variables that im getting from there): <div id='ReferenceContainer"+UniqueID+@"' style='background-color:"+BackcolourOFF+@"; width:"+CompWidth+@"; height...

Javascript : [ onmousover ] and [ onmouseout ] event

The General Problem So imagine a dropdown menu for example and when you mouse over on a link the dropdown is popping up. But as you can read on the article below, there are problems with it, when you mouse over on a link(for some browsers everything inside the element) the box is dissapearing. The problem comes from event bubbling. ...

Setting mouseover within a script

The script I have been working on for a star rating system, saves the filled in stars with an onClick event and changes the onmouseover & onmouseout values to null so moving the mouse off them afterwards won't mess that up, and the form has multiple ratings and a clear button at the bottom, which i need to have reset the onmouseover & on...

onmouseover issues with Safari

Hello Everyone, I am trying to get a onmouseover and onmouseout effect in a xhtml page for my navigation menu. This code only works in Firefox, but nothing else. Can someone please tell me how to get it to work on all browsers? Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/D...

javascript :OnMouseout event being called when i move the cursor over an element without going OUT of the element

I have an image in a page and in the "onmouseover" event of that image I will call a javascript function to show a tooltip and in the "onmouseout" of the image, i will call a method to hide the tooltip.Now i found that when i place the cursor on the image,its calling the method to show the tooltip div.and if i move the mouse WITHIN the i...

I have a nav in an unordered list. On hover these images are supposed to switch out...

The whole page is a PHP include inside of a main index file. Should I be placing the javascript on the main page? or an external javascript file? Am I referencing the li wrong? <ul> <li class="about"><a href="index.php?about"><h1>about</h1></a></li> <li class="team"><a href="index.php?team"><h1>team</h1></a></li> <li class="training">...

problem in rails with "cycle" over classes in a CSS and onmouseover, onmouseout

i have this code in my index.html: <div id="users-list"> <tr class="<%= cycle('odd', 'even') %>" onmouseover="this.className='over';" onclick="location.href='<%= user_path(user) %>'" > <td><%= user.surname %></td> <td><%= user.name %></td> </tr> </div> as part of a table, and this associated css: #users-list .odd { backg...