



Our site uses role requirement and restful authentication plugins for rails. We are seeing most users able to access the site (login) just fine but a handful of logins are failing after being successfully authenticated and forwarded to the member's controller. It seems like the require roles line isn't finding the appropriate role and is redirecting them back to the login page as if they aren't logged in.

It seems to be a browser specific problem, which makes me think a problem with cookies and how they are handled. But I haven't been able to confirm that yet

Any thoughts?

The production log looks like:

Processing SessionsController#create (for XX.XX.XXX.XXX at 2009-10-04 07:07:20) [POST]
  Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"cLsuqHxaa+ICk+R9DsHEusR7uLBMLGwabt+BvQzsS5g=", "login"=>"XXXXXXXX", "password"=>"XXXXXX"}
Redirected to
Completed in 12ms (DB: 4) | 302 Found []

Processing HomeController#index (for XX.XX.XXX.XXX at 2009-10-04 07:07:20) [GET]
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as [:check_roles] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 4ms (DB: 0) | 302 Found []

Processing SessionsController#new (for XX.XX.XXX.XXX at 2009-10-04 07:07:20) [GET]
Rendering template within layouts/public-generic
Rendering sessions/new
Completed in 12ms (View: 12, DB: 0) | 200 OK []