I have a statusItem application written in PyObjC. The statusItem has a menuItem which is supposed to launch a new window when it is clicked:
# Create statusItem
statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength_(NSVariableStatusItemLength)
# Create menuItem
menu = NSMenu.alloc().init()
menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_('Preferences', 'launchPreferences:', '')
The launchPreferences: method is:
def launchPreferences_(self, notification):
preferences = Preferences.alloc().initWithWindowNibName_('Preferences')
Preferences is an NSWindowController class:
class Preferences(NSWindowController):
When I run the application in XCode (Build & Go), this works fine. However, when I run the built .app file externally from XCode, the statusItem and menuItem appear as expected but when I click on the Preferences menuItem the window does not appear. I have verified that the launchPreferences code is running by checking console output.
Further, if I then double click the .app file again, the window appears but if I change the active window away by clicking, for example, on a Finder window, the preferences window disappears. This seems to me to be something to do with the active window.
Update 1 I have tried these two answers but neither work. If I add in to the launchPreferences method:
then I just get an error:
'Preferences' object has no attribute